Our priority is your safety
We protect our buyers every step of the way
Advanced Technology
Gigs Five uses the most advanced technologies to protect your transaction and your payment information is never stored.
Secure Payment Transfer
We have a strict policy of transferring your payment to the seller of your satisfaction only after you’ve successfully completed your order
Buyer protection
We’ve set up a marketplace that works smoothly 99% of the time, but every once in awhile things don’t go exactly as planned. Our Buyer Protection policy protects you just in case something goes wrong.
We protect our sellers' information and guarantee payment
Identity Protection
Sellers can rest easy knowing that Gigs Five will never publicly display your personal information. All information that you provide is kept private and is used only for the purposes of validating and transferring your sales
Payment Guarantee
Once someone has bought your gigs, it becomes his or her decision whether or not to actually use it. As a seller, so long as you’ve complied with Gigs Five terms of use, we guarantee that you will get your payment